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Education & Career News

Is a College Degree Still Necessary in Today’s Economy?


The value of a college education has been vigorously called into question, at least in recent years. But the fact remains that the value of higher education needs to be nurtured by everyone, not just academics, and especially those in the most need of the experience and benefits it confers — potential adult learners.   

Education & Career News

3 Myths of Online Education


We live in a society where the line between myth and reality is often blurred. The premise of a myth can manifest itself from a host of misperceptions. The myths that still permeate our society regarding online education and the adult learner are either outdated or based upon fear of the unknown. It is the students who, with the help of their formal and informal support networks, have debunked these myths by succeeding in their online studies and in life.

Inside Higher Ed

Orientation for the Adult Learner


By Jeremy Bauer-Wolf (featuring Dr. Viar)

Institutions are trying to figure out how to introduce a growing population of older students to their campuses.


Most of the undergraduates headed for or returning to college this year will be inundated with welcome week and orientation events designed to connect them with classmates, help them find extracurricular activities and clubs, and make them feel at home on campus.

U.S. News & World Report

A College Guide for Nontraditional Students” by Josh Moody (featuring Dr. Viar)


Pursuing a college degree rarely comes easy for any student, but adding work and family life can increase the difficulty of that challenge. For many nontraditional students, that's the reality they face: juggling classes alongside the responsibilities of raising and supporting a family.



The Hechinger Report

Is college enrollment among older adults increasing? Depends who you ask” by Delece Smith-Barrow (featuring Dr. Viar)


More than 19 million undergraduate students are enrolled in colleges and universities for fall 2018, according to a report this week from the National Center for Education Statistics, and many of them are adults aged 25 and older. 


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U.S. News & World Report

Determine College Fit as Nontraditional Student



Nontraditional Learner's Guide

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Innovation Leadership

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